About the SWAT Team
The SWAT Team or the
Spiritual Warfare Action
Task Team is the backbone
of the Ministry which
operates through a
double-prong strategy:
the Operational and the
Ministerial Wings.
They consists of prayer
warriors who are always
interceding for the ministry,
the outpourers and their
family, the state, the country
and the world as a whole to
prepare the way for the
Second coming of Jesus.
About the
Worship Directorate
Usually kick-starts our services
by inviting God’s Manifest Presence through Prayer and Worship and preparing the hearts of the people to receive the Word.
We enjoy mighty outpouring of God’s Spirit and experience
miracles during such moments of intimacy with Jesus through Worship.
Pastor Wanda Manih serves as the Worship Pastor.

Helpers in Society (HIS)
A registered social wing of the
Ministry examines the plight of
the deserving downtrodden and conduct multiple activities to
procure support and succour
through different means every month.
Food grains, blankets and clothing along with monetary aids are distributed freely among the
poorest of the poor in areas where the Lord has been leading us across the nation and the globe.
Ushers and Reception Team
Seating arrangement is provided for the congregation by the Ushers and Reception Department, besides the collection of offerings and the
setting up and pulling down of
equipment for every service week in and week out.
These are the faithful who come in first and leave last for every meeting.

Media Evangelism Team
Want to be a media missionary?
Join our team! The Media Evangelism Team ministers through the world of
media and ensures that the Gospel is preached to the ends of the earth even
through the air waves.
This team is headed by our
Media Pastor, Pastor Rap Ryngksai.
Videography and Animation Team
Every service, people enjoy Praise and Worship and teachings from the Word of God through visual presentations arranged by the Videography and Animation Department.
If you think that this is something that you would enjoy, get on board.

Technical Team
The team makes sure that any technical glitches are ironed out in time so that the Ministry’s
programmes can run smoothly without any disturbances.
It apprehends problems before their occurrences
and takes stock of all
events and equipment in
the Ministry.
Every first week of the month the Publication Team meets to compile the monthly newsletter, reporting on the various activities of the Ministry.
This team is also responsible for publishing special reports of various programmes conducted by the Ministry and the Church.

Finance Department
This department of the Ministry makes sure that every mission and activity is conducted by faith in Jehovah Jireh, our Provider. We are not endowed by any sponsoring agency or denomination but funds come from the generosity of the Outpourers, their families and our well-wishers. Rigorous accounting and regular auditing is done by staffs who are trained in this procedure. Besides salaries and stipends to staff and volunteers, special love gifts are given monthly to those who have been working for the Ministry and its many projects.
Kingdom Essentials for Younger Souls(KEYS)
KEYS, is a one-on-one mentoring session where we mentor the younger souls in every aspect to live a Kingdom lifestyle.
Our hearts yearn to see the rising of a generation that is thirsty for the Presence of The Lord.