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I received my immunisation shot but my hand suffered severe pain for about a week. I attended the Prayer Meeting in Shillong on Thursday and by the time I left Talents’ Club the pain was gone. Thank You, Jesus!


Pastor Jerry released a Word of Prophecy over me that I will be going to locations where Jesus wants me to serve Him. Jesus is already fulfilling His Word in my life. Despite many trials, He continues to uphold me and I have now been able to travel to places in need of experiencing the Love of our Heavenly Father. All Glory to Him alone!

Dr. Seema

We started a project at my farm in Nagaland and this has been on and off for over 3 years now (this being the third year). Due to a lack of funds for the machinery, we could not proceed further after the civil works. The SWAT Team backed me up in prayers when the bank’s inspection team came to survey the land on Monday. After a couple of rejections before this meeting, God has now opened the doors as we got the confirmation that we will be sanctioned the funds needed to proceed with the pending work. I am grateful to the Pastors and Ministers of the SOULS Ministries and the KCC and also the SWAT Team for praying for us. Without God, none of this would have been possible. He made it all happen. Thank You so much, Jesus!


I was having problem sleeping, had splitting headaches and could not breathe properly for some nights because of sinusitis. Jesus healed me during the Campers Conference on Monday and that night was the first after many nights that I could sleep peacefully and soundly again without experiencing any more pain. Hallelujah. All Glory to Jesus!


I was a bit alarmed as my ears were bleeding even though there was no pain or irritation at all. As I attended the Delhi Sunday Worship Service, Jesus touched and completely healed me. Praise the Lord!


I fell down about a week before the Campers Conference and suffered neck and back pain. As I attended the Conference, I found it difficult to concentrate fully during the sessions as the pain was troubling me and making me uncomfortable. During the Evening Service, Jesus touched and completely healed me of all pain and discomfort. Praise KING JESUS!

Albert Iawphniaw

I had been claiming for a high-end laptop and also a few other necessary gadgets and it seemed impossible till a few days ago. But the Lord made ways for me to buy some of the gadgets and after spending so much, I thought it would take me a long time to be able to buy the laptop. But I was taken by surprise when my office provided for me with a laptop that was even better and that too with very expensive softwares. Thank you Jesus for always doing more than we can ask or imagine!

Dcn. Eric Gogoi

On the 16th June 2021, Pastor prayed over me, my relationship and my job. He declared that within two months there will be a shift and a promotion in my current job. Exactly within two months on the 7th of August, I received a letter of promotion from the HR. Praise Jesus for His Word.

Hazel Wahlang

Last Friday during our Prayer Meeting, we prayed for rain as the paddy fields were running dry. Praise Jesus the very next day it began to rain and it has been raining since. Thanking Papa God for answered prayers!


After receiving prayer during our Prayer Meeting, my grandmother was healed from gall bladder stones and her health is improving supernaturally day by day. Praise Jesus!

Lalruatpuii Changte

During one of our Prayer Meetings in July, Pastor released Word of Breakthrough over me. This month, I received a financial breakthrough and was able to repay a long outstanding loan which was causing me concern. My Father is so faithful and I cannot praise and thank Him enough. I am overwhelmed. Glory to God. Amen!

Diana Kharshiing

Last week I requested prayer for the ultrasound test that I had to undergo. As Pastor declared, indeed the report was normal. Thank you Pastor and SWAT for your prayers. Praise God.

Merinda Rani

I received my job breakthrough after our Leaders prayed for me. The Lord also healed my grandmother from gall bladder stones, my mother from chest pain and my cousin from fever! Thank you Jesus for flooding our lives with YOUR GOODNESS!

Lalruatpuii Changte

I was suffering severe gum pain which had really disturbed me. During one of our Prayer Meetings, Pastor released prayer of healing for everyone with dental problems. I claim what has been released and since then I realised the pain has subsided and now it is gone. Praise Jesus. Hallelujah!


I requested prayer on the 4th of August at our Prayer Meeting that I would be completely healed from cough that had troubled me for many months now. From that very evening I stopped coughing as Jesus instantly healed me that day. Praise the Lord!

Rev. Jerry

I thank the Lord for healing me from chest pain. In one of our Prayer Meeting, Pastor prayed and released a Word for chest pain. I claim it for myself and I was healed completely, there is no more pain. Praise the Lord!

Dcn. Queency Rasmut

I was battling with panic attacks and anxiety and I thought without medical help it would be impossible to cure. I had attended the Prayer Meeting but did not send any prayer request because I wasn’t hoping for anything at all. But the Father knew everything. He led Pastor to pray and release word of knowledge for freedom over the very problem I was going through. However, after the Prayer Meeting it got even tougher to battle this issue so I spoke to one of the SWAT Member and she assured me to keep praying and trusting God. I did not remember how and when but I found myself free! I am so full of joy and peace. Thank you Jesus for everything and thank you Pastor.

Iba Mukhim

On the last Prayer Meeting before the Conference Week I requested a prayer for my dad Mr. Sentilo Wanth for healing from knee pain which was taking a toll on his movements. Next day Pastor prayed for my dad through a conference call and my dad experienced the healing touch, thereafter he was able to move around without any problem. On that day itself he was also healed from the pain on his lower rib which had been troubling him from time to time for which he had to take medicine. Praise The Lord! Today my dad is free from knee pain and he is back at work happy and healthy. Thank you Jesus for healing my dad. Thank you so much Pastors and SWAT Team members for your prayers. God bless us all!


During one of our Prayer Meetings I had requested prayer for healing from dandruff which had really troubled me for a while now. After I received prayer the Lord taught me how to take care of my hair. Praise our Lord Jesus for His healing, not only that I was healed from dandruff but the Lord had also healed my hair because I see a lot of improvement since then. Thank You Jesus Christ, You are indeed a good God who loves us so much. Praise the Lord!

Daiamon Langstang

After getting vaccinated last Friday my body was suffering from severe chills, fever, headache and muscle pain so much that I could not even get out of bed. Although I had taken the prescribed medicine, yet there was no improvement at all. But on Sunday while tuning in for our Sunday e-Service, "Pray To Heal" a much needed word and message from the Lord for me through our Pastor, I felt the Anointing in the Word seeping into my bones and the healing was manifested quickly. PRAISE KING JESUS for His Word as stated in Isaiah 55:11, “So will the words that come out of My mouth not return back empty. They'll do the work I sent them to do, they'll complete the assignment I gave them.” Hallelujah!

Elizabeth Nongneng

I urgently needed a car as there is not much public transport in the city where I am living at present. I actually thought of buying a cheap used car and I was keeping my expectations very low. But the Lord is so good, because I got a surprisingly well maintained car at an unbelievably good price and it looks brand new. Praise Jesus!

Dcn Eric Gogoi

I was struggling with the pain running over the back of my neck and on to my arm which was disturbing me especially when I sit in front of the screen for long hours. I requested prayer over this condition during our Prayer Meeting last week. Praise the Lord! I am completely healed. Thank you so much Pastor and everyone for your prayers.

Ptr. Grace

During one of our Prayer Meetings we had prayed for Kynsan Sungoh and her family who were tested positive for covid and two of them were even hospitalised. She informed me that all of them were healed and those who were in the hospital had returned home safely. Praise the Lord!

Dcn. Trenika Lamare

Last Wednesday I sat for the Prayer Meeting intending to ask for prayer because my body was in pain. But as I listened to the teaching by Pastor about Faith, I immediately claimed healing over my body by faith in Jesus’ name. So when it was time to post the prayer needs, I was really surprised to find that the pain was not there anymore, and the healing was fulfilled. I am so thankful to my Healer, Jesus Christ. Thank you, Abba Father, for this faith. All Glory to You. Hallelujah! Amen.

Bada Mukhim

On the second week of this month I was having fever and feeling quite weak after my vaccination. I attended our Prayer Meeting on the 7th and as Pastor released prayer I was healed completely. Praise the Lord. Thank you Pastor. All Glory and Honour to You King Jesus.


I requested prayer during the Prayer Meeting for the pain in my leg. Sure enough, I experienced healing and was able to sleep well at night, since I felt no more pain. Thank you so much everyone. I am so grateful to the Lord Jesus.

Samuel Latam

I had requested prayer for my aunt, Mrs. Tressy Rufus during our Prayer Meeting as she had to undergo a major surgery to remove a brain tumour the following day. Praise Jesus, the surgery was successful and she was discharged from the hospital just a day later. Thank you Pastor & everyone for your prayers.


I am grateful to Jesus for healing my right hand from severe pain. Praise the Lord!

Kong Fairly

I want to praise Jesus for His Grace and Favour over me. Even though I am not in the ‘tenure one’ in my Team, Jesus vindicated me to top the chart for the NCR location for onboards and offers for two consecutive months at my office. Thank you, Lord!

Rahul Sharma

Praise God for His Promises fulfilled in my life. A month back, I requested prayer during one of the Global Prayer Meetings as I was confused and uncertain about my career. Pastor declared Jeremiah 29:11 over my life. As I debated whether to go to Delhi or Mumbai for work, God granted me peace in my heart when I decided to move to Mumbai. I received clarity in which hospital I should pursue my career and I felt His Shalom over me. I thank God for being so Gracious and kind and He melted my stubborn heart to surrender to His Will. Even as everyone around me was worried, God’s Peace filled my heart with assurance that I should not worry. Indeed, Papa God has moved ahead and placed me to work in an ICU where everyone is cooperative and very helpful and where I would be able to grow. Thank you, Jesus!

Tilling Kanya

I suffered from recurring haemorrhoids that affected me again a few days back. On Tuesday, I realised that Jesus had healed me and it did not bother me anymore after the Campers Conference. Praise the Lord!


Before attending the Campers Conference, I had pain in the lateral side of my right knee joint. I was also limping a little bit the whole day on Monday. Even during the Praise and Worship, I could not jump much because of this reason. After Pastor Wati released healing and declared that anyone with bone issues, and back and knee problems to come forward, I claimed and declared that healing was for me. After he ministered and laid hands over me, I fell to my knees and the pain was still there. As I stood to get up, the pain was completely gone. A voice inside me told me to “squat and see” and I did exactly that. I was able to squat fully without any more pain and I was also able to jump and praise the Lord during the worship after that. I praise and thank you, King Jesus!

Dr. Meban Rani

I was having a severe common cold, especially on Saturday but as I attended the Ordination Service at the Revival Hub on Sunday, the Anointing was so strong upon me and I was instantly healed. Praise Jesus!

Wansuk K. Sawian

During our Prayer Meeting a couple of weeks back, one of our Pastors released prayer of healing over menstrual issues without mentioning anyone’s name, I was one of them and God instantly healed me. Since then I have been completely healed from menstrual irregularities. All Glory to Jesus!

Rumi Nath

I requested prayer for divine protection over my entire family, since one of our family members was tested positive for covid. We all had to be tested last Saturday but Praise Jesus, all our reports came out negative. Glory to Him alone!


Praise the Lord for breakthrough in my life. I requested prayer during our Prayer Meeting regarding my exam result. Praise Jesus I was successful in my 10th exam!


Thank You so much Jesus for providing our needs. I had requested prayer at our Prayer Meeting, since my colleague and I have not received our salary for two months now. Pastor released a specific word that by this month we will be receiving it. Praise Jesus, indeed we received our two months salary. Also, thank You Jesus for healing me from fever and body ache.


Praise King Jesus for His release through our Pastor during the Power Encounter Service. I'm so overwhelmed by His goodness and breakthrough as I passed the North East IAS Talent Search Exam conducted by ALS and secured a very good rank and I am able to avail 40% scholarship for my Coaching.

Mewan Ehbok War

Last week I had requested prayer for my sister because of post-birth complication in her uterus and for her new-born who was having fever. Praise the Lord for answering our prayers and miracles occurred. All the complications disappeared, and the baby was healed completely. Thank You so much Papa for the miracles You continue to manifest in our family. Hallelujah!

Ordinancy Ksing

My father’s blood sugar level became normal after being prayed upon during our Prayer Meeting! Praise Jesus!

Nabam Devi

Praise King Jesus for the quick recovery of my uncle after receiving prayer during our Prayer Meeting. He was discharged from the Hospital within the week itself.


Our Pastors have been releasing words of knowledge over us during our Prayer Meetings and Services, that we will enjoy overflow of God's supplies. Indeed, as a family we are receiving His abundance, divine health and provision for all our needs. Praise Jesus forever!

Batip and Babet

God's plans are very typical yet pertinent. I decided to return to India in 1989 from the United States because I wanted my son Eric to be rooted well while growing up. Frankly I did not wish him to be an ABCD, meaning American Born Confused Desi. I never imagined that Eric was indeed brought to India when he was young precisely to find his roots in the Gospel of Jesus Christ because God's plan was not revealed and His design was not unfolded at that time. However Eric’s walk with the Lord drew me gradually to the truth of who God is. When I was infected with covid and struggling with the pain and suffering, our Pastor assured me that the Lord has a plan and that He will fight to win the war on my behalf. The Lord has indeed won the war for me! Praise Jesus, I am healed. Thank you Pastor, the Church and everyone who prayed over me.

Pradeep Gogoi

I had given my friend’s name for prayer during one of our Prayer Meetings two weeks back as he had been infected with covid-19. He was admitted to the hospital and kept in the ICU for more than a month as his condition was critical. Miraculously a few days after the Prayer Meeting he was released from the ICU and was kept in the general ward for observation. Praise Jesus! his health kept improving, he has now been discharged from the hospital and recovering at home.


I requested prayer for my aunty who met with an accident and was unconscious at the Prayer Meeting. As Pastor released healing for her I got to know that right after the Prayer Meeting she woke up! This is an amazing miracle indeed and though she is still hospitalised, she is getting better. Praise Jesus!


On the first week of June, I applied for a job at a Central institute which has a lot of offers for my career. As it is I was unhappy with my current job. During our Prayer Meeting on the 9th of June, Pastor released words of blessings and breakthroughs in every aspect of my life. After a week that is on the 17th of June, I received news that I got the job! I am amazed at the wondrous works of our Lord! Praise Jesus for His abundant, overflowing blessings upon me and my family!

Wayoolang Talang

I was suffering from severe backache so much so that standing upright was a problem and I had difficulty sleeping because of the pain. As I sat for the Prayer Meeting on Wednesday I was instantly healed even without asking for prayer. By the end of the Meeting, I was able to stand properly and move without any more pain. All Glory to Jesus!

Ptr. Jerry

Our brother had been struggling with many issues for the past couple of years especially when it comes to keeping a job. Recently he applied for a job opening with his acquired skill sets and we requested prayer for him on the 9th of June as he had an interview the following day. Pastor released word of prophecy that he “will sit for the interview and be assured that the job is already his.” He had to go through a few hiccups though because he was placed in the waiting list, and another person was chosen. However this candidate was also qualified for another post altogether. Our brother was anxious but we told him to hold on to what had been declared over him. Surely the word released came to pass and the person opted for the other post instead and our brother finally received his confirmation letter two days back. Not only did Papa God provide him with a job but he will also be receiving a very big pay package. We praise Jesus for His goodness over him & our family!!

Ptr. Phida, Eld David & Lizzie

We give thanks to Papa God for healing our father who had been fumbling with words as he speaks. We notice a lot of improvement and he can now speak fluently. We also praise God for the quick recovery of our ailing sister and even her hair growth had improved. Thank you Pastor and team. Praise the Lord!

Jessia & Abby

Campbell, a stroke patient was bed ridden and could not move by himself, but when he was prayed upon during our Prayer Meeting, he is now able to sit and walk slowly. Praise the Lord. Maya, another stroke patient is now able to walk and move one of her hand and her foot. Thank you so much Lord! All Glory and honour to you alone. Amen

Monica Rynjah

I suffered severe pain in my shoulder which kept me from sleep for many nights. During one of our Prayer Meetings Pastor prayed and release healing over those who were sick and those who could not sleep at night, so they would sleep peacefully. Immediately, I received and claimed it. Truly I was healed and was able to sleep soundly since that night. Praise the Lord Jesus. I also thank God for blessing my family financially and most importantly for His divine health over all of us. All Glory and Praise to God. Thank you KCC and SOULS Family for your prayer support. God bless you all.


During one of our Prayer Meetings, Pastor released words of blessings, breakthroughs and promotions. A week after the powerful release, I was blessed with a job. Praise Jesus for His Favour and Blessings.

Tobejoy Kurbah

I thank God for healing my mother from flu which had been troubling her for more than two weeks. Thank you so much Pastors, Ministers and SWAT members for backing us up in prayers at all times. God bless you.

Shining Marbaniang

While attending one of our Prayer Meetings, Pastor called out my name and I was surprised as I was sick and weak at that time. Pastor declared word of healing over me and the next day I woke up fresh and completely healed. All Glory to Jesus!

Robilis Kyndait

Last Thursday, I had severe stomach pain but I was determined to attend the Prayer Meeting in Shillong. I praise Jesus that by the time I left, all aches and cramps had completely disappeared. Thank You, Jesus, for Your Healing over me!


Praise God for healing me from an upset stomach last Sunday. I did not need to take any medication because Jesus healed me. All Glory to Him!

Eld. Tiew

Earlier this year, when our Lead Pastors were in the United States, Pastor Lam prophesied over us that we would have a baby soon and move to a bigger home. Pastor Sharon also prophesied a job breakthrough in a bank for Dcn Mouchumi. Each of these prophesies was impossible to even imagine looking at our financial status at the time. We praise Jesus that He accelerated things for us in ways unimaginable. Dcn Mouchumi was blessed with a very good banking job a few months back, we will also be welcoming a baby by the end of this year and Papa God has enabled us to buy a brand-new house a few days back. This has truly been the Year of Incredible Acceleration and Expansion for our family. Praise King Jesus and thank you Pastors for always showing us what is possible with the Lord!

Dcn Eric

Since Friday, I have been down with the flu, severe head-to-toe body ache, throbbing headache and extremely high fever. I had switched medication twice but had no respite. However, by faith after one of the Ministers prayed for me on Sunday night, in anticipation of receiving His Healing, I crawled out of bed on Monday to attend the Campers Conference. After being prayed and ministered by Pastor Wati, I felt strength coming back to me and the fever subsiding and leaving my body. I praise Jesus that as I returned and reached home, I was able to resume work in the kitchen and cook dinner for my family. All Glory and Honour be to the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit!

Kong Pamela Lyndem

The Lord has blessed me with a new increment in my salary from July 2024. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your Divine Supply for my family!

Thrice Sancley

Praise Jesus for blessing me with success during a moot (mock) court in my law exams. It was wonderful to feel the hand of the Lord guiding and showing me step by step right from my preparation even to managing my allotted time. I also thank Jesus for the very good internal marks that I received. Actually I had no clue how to go about the assignments, yet I did my best and submitted them, trusting that God would bless my effort. Indeed I scored very good marks with the assignments as well. Praise Jesus! Thank you Pastor and the whole KCC family for your prayer support.

Iba Mukhim

Pastor released very specific words over me during the Prayer Meeting last week. He declared, “You will do everything, from washing dishes to other household works joyfully in the Lord.” It might have sounded strange to many who were listening, but the Lord knew what I needed then. I had shared with a few friends about many negative thoughts that I was battling with, even while doing ordinary things like household chores. As Pastor released those words I was assured of God’s powerful Presence through every situation and struggle. Praise Jesus for always being there for me.

Maya Beni

I was suffering from severe migraine and anxiety, but I remembered what Pastor told me about operating from a place of rest. At that moment, God placed Psalm 23:2 in my heart, so I wrote it down and meditated upon it. As a result, the migraine and anxiety vanished. All Praise be to Jesus, our Mighty Saviour. Hallelujah!


Praise Jesus, after Pastor prayed for our land agreement last week, the entire procedure ran smoothly with no hassles. All things are possible with JESUS!

Alaka Bania

I requested prayer for Lidis Nongrum who was suffering from allergies and the burning sensation was severe. Praise the Lord she is healed completely without any scars. Thank you, Jesus for Your power and the miraculous things You do. Also thank you everyone who prayed for her.


I requested prayer for Mertilin Kharbyngar who was covid positive and under oxygen support. The Lord healed her, she has regained strength and has even been discharged from the hospital. Her daughter, Phinbet Kharbyngar who also tested positive was asymptomatic and her next report indeed was negative. Blessed to see God moving through our Prayer Meetings. Praise Jesus!

Balasuk Lyngdoh

My 22-month-old granddaughter Zionnah, suddenly developed a phobia of water. She would scream and shiver with fright before every bath. She is now free after Pastor prayed over her during one of our Prayer Meetings. In fact, she now enjoys playing with the water and the shower so much so that she does not want to step out of her tub. Praise Jesus for the answered prayer.

Pamela Lyndem

After our Pastors prayed over me, I received a supernatural job breakthrough. Even during the pandemic, Jesus blessed me beyond my imagination! Thank you Papa God and thank you KCC family for your constant prayers.

Marilyn Saikia

During our Prayer Meeting I requested prayer for the release of my salary for the past four months. Two days later I got a call that my salary was released not just for four but five months. Praise Jesus for His favour upon me.


My father was down with covid. However, my KCC family prayed for his healing on the 16th of June at the Prayer Meeting and on the 17th itself, my dad received a covid negative report! He is now healed and enjoying divine health! Praise Jesus!

Ankita Sarkar

Before the Father's Covering Conference I was really tense as viva exams and test were supposed to happen the week after. I was praying that the Lord will do a miracle because I was not feeling well. I was told by the doctor not to stress and I was also under medication, so I couldn’t study for many days. I thought of not attending the Conference and use the time to study, but then I felt the prompting to attend, which I did. Praise God on the second day of the Conference I got a message that the viva exam was cancelled. I was overwhelmed and filled with joy because the Lord saw my situation and answered my prayer. The internal marks will be taken only from the assignments of which I have already submitted. I learned that by obeying God, miracles will happen. Praise Jesus for His favours and breakthroughs.

Adora Dkhar

In the month of December our mother’s blood sugar level and blood pressure were fluctuating and almost always high. Her sugar level shot up so much one Tuesday evening that she fell down. The next day we sat for the Prayer Meeting and requested prayer for her, Pastor released Word that her pancreas is healed completely. We’ve been going for regular check-ups and monitoring her blood tests daily and amazingly all these tests are all normal ever since. Truly nothing is impossible with Jesus!

Lizzie & family

I was tested positive for covid on the 18th June at 11PM. I felt hopeless as I was miles away from home and I thought that I would not be able to sit for my Final Exam. After I requested prayer for a miracle, I did the covid test again the very next day at 1PM and the report was negative. All Glory to King Jesus!

Emli Passah

Praise King Jesus for healing my helper, Bathelda from Glandular TB. I had posted a prayer request for her last month during our Prayer Meeting. When she went for medical check-up last week, the Doctor stopped her medication as she is completely healed. Thank you SOULS family for your prayer support. All Glory to You Abba!


Praise Jesus for healing me! I would like to thank all our Prayer Warriors for upholding me in prayers when I was at my lowest. I was suffering from really high fever, severe headache and backache and I was also physically weak. I also started suffering from diarrhoea and severe chest pain. In fact I was quite worried but I continued requesting prayers during all our Prayer Meetings and on the 3rd Prayer Meeting I was totally and completely healed. The Lord is so good, He not only healed me but also my family members who have not been keeping well for a couple of days now. My Grandfather who has not been able to walk due to gout is improving so much now. Thank you Jesus! What a joy it is to live under the divine healing and protection of our loving Abba Father!


On the 30th June, 2021 I requested prayer for my injured left foot as I tripped hurting my toe very badly and I couldn't move it, because it was stiff and swollen. Immediately after the Prayer Meeting when I got up to walk I could flex my toe and the stiffness left. Thank you Jehovah Rapha my Healer. Glory to You my Papa God for Your promises are always "YES" and "AMEN"

Kong Diana

Praise Jesus I am completely healed from fever, headache, sore throat and diarrhoea after Pastor prayed for me during the Zoom Prayer Meeting. Thank you Jesus and thank you family for your prayer support.


Nameri, who was with me during one of our Prayer Meetings, had requested prayer as she was always tormented with bad dreams and nightmares and the spirit of fear would overwhelm her every time she prepares for bed. However, since the day Pastor prayed over her, she can sleep alone and soundly with no fear at all. Thank you Pastor, God bless you.

Pamela Lyndem

Ajay, one of our KEYS kids from Guwahati was abducted to Bihar. His family members were tensed and asked us to pray for him. That evening I requested prayer for him during our Prayer Meeting. Right after the Prayer Meeting we got news that the police located him and he was brought home safely. Praise Jesus!

Eld. Rasmi Sarma

Recently, I was troubled with an irritating shoulder pain and I would just feel tired throughout the day, but after Pastor released prayer I felt the Anointing and I knew I was healed. After the Prayer Meeting I checked my shoulder and I could not feel any pain and I no longer felt tired. Praise Jesus!


Praise the Lord for blessing my Biblical Hebrew Course exams wonderfully with miraculous grades here in Israel. It’s all possible because of Him. Thank you Pastors and the SWAT Team for your constant prayer support!

Israel Lamphrang

Last week, a big carbuncle developed at the posterior of my head. I was taken aback and frightened as it happened out of nowhere. As I focused on Jesus and declared His Healing Virtues over me, believing that I am already healed, Jesus surely took care of the problem. I did not need to take any medication because by the end of the week, I was totally healed and it had completely disappeared. Praise Jesus!


I was suffering from joint pain, severe nausea and diarrhoea for many days last week. Since the problems persisted, I decided to visit the doctor on Monday as I was quite sick throughout Saturday night as well. On Sunday, as we were resting in the Presence of The Lord, Pastor Lam ministered over me during the English Worship Service at the Revival Hub and I felt the symptoms in my body leave me. By the time I reached home, Jesus had totally and completely healed me. All Glory to Papa God!


Our dad L.K. Kakati has been suffering from back and thigh pain, high blood sugar and high blood pressure for some years now. As he started attending Church and sought prayer these ailments in his body started reducing. He visited Shillong for the first time when he attended the Campers Conference, and as he had to walk some distance, and climb up and down, the pain had aggravated. He was anxious and concerned because of it but as he was prayed upon during the Conference, he received HIS Healing and is completely healed now. All Praise and Glory to God!

Sonali and Rakesh Kakati

I was suffering from a common cold and sore throat but I was completely healed during the Campers Conference. Thank you, Jesus!


During one of the Prayer Meetings a few years ago, Pastor prophesied that someone present in the congregation would acquire a flat or a new house. As I was in urgent need of one, I claimed this Word of Prophecy in my life. Remarkably, although I lacked the funds to purchase a flat, through His Grace and Blessings, my mother suggested building one over our existing home. My brother agreed to erect the basic structure, and after two years, my dream house is now complete. I have dedicated it entirely to the Name of JESUS. Thank you, JESUS for turning my dream into a reality. To You be all the Glory!

Karabi Kalita

I was instantly healed from a splitting headache after Pastor prayed for me during our Sunday Zoom Service last Sunday. So blessed! Praise Jesus!

Deida Lyngdoh

I am blessed to testify that Jesus has healed me from skin rashes/allergies/patches that had irritated me for months. Last Friday I requested prayer at our Prayer Meeting and the entire congregation led by Pastor prayed not only for my health but also for the medicines. When I checked the next day the spread of the infection had stopped except for a few spots on my knees and shoulders. I did not doubt the healing that I had received and faithfully took and applied the medicine. Praise the Lord I am now enjoying divine health. All Glory belongs to Jesus, my Living Heavenly Father!


We had been having issues with the electric supply as there has been frequent power cuts throughout the day which greatly hampered the work at our farm. So I put up a prayer need regarding this problem. To tackle this issue we needed to buy a generator that would be able to supply power for the entire farm but it was very expensive and beyond our budget. I praise God because He answered our prayers through a friend of my father who blessed us financially so we could buy the generator. Even when I was in doubt, God reminds me of His faithfulness time and time again. Praise Him!


I moved into an apartment in Raleigh, US and during our online House Warming Service, Pastor had prophesied about someone blessing me with furniture from a distant place. The next morning itself, I got a call from a new friend who offered to gift me his Dining furniture. When I went to pick it up, I realised that it’s a very expensive 6-seater solid wood table! And the interesting part is that he is a Pacific Islander (from the other end of the world)! Thank you, King Jesus! I am blessed beyond measure!

Dcn Eric Gogoi

My leg was in constant pain for two days before the Prayer Meeting and I was not able to even walk. One of our Deacons prayed over me at the Breakout room. I am so happy that now I can stand and walk and all the pain is gone. Glory and Praise to God.

Samuel Latam

Our mother who was suffering from depression is completely healed and set free as she attended our Prayer Meetings and received prayers from our Pastors regularly. Praise Jesus for His mercy and goodness.

Karalin, Diphar & Dariti

I thank and Praise Jesus for all the goodness and mercy in my life. I was eagerly looking for a job and a few weeks back, one of my friends suggested my name to her manager and I was interviewed. There were lots of assessments, but as Pastor declared in one of our Prayer Meetings that this time God will surprise me and indeed He did surprised me with each assessment. Finally I got selected and I joined my new job. This is totally a miraculous blessing and I praise Him for everything He has done beyond my expectations. Glory to God. Amen


Praise God for the wonderful breakthroughs the Lord has showered us as a family. Within the span of a month, we were able to move into a new spacious house with ample space. We were blessed with someone to help us even when we weren’t searching for one. He granted me success in a Government job interview exactly 3 days after Pastor released Word during the Power Encounter Service. All Glory and Praise to Jesus alone who never leave us nor forsake us. We see His Glory break through even through the religious walls of my family who can’t help but acknowledge God’s mighty miraculous hand at work over us. We really are in awe of His goodness and the overflowing of His abundance in our lives. Thank you our dear Pastors, Elders, Deacons for your prayer & support!

Dcn. Larinia Suting

I requested prayer during our Prayer Meeting as I was suffering from headache and nausea. As Pastor released healing and peace upon me, I received it and the next day I woke up completely healed and I was able to go to work. Thank you Jesus for Your healing.

Tobejoy Kurbah

When a Prophetic Word about the doors of Heaven being opened was released at the Father’s Covering Conference, I heard a loud and thunderous sound of a door being flung open, in my home. My room was suddenly filled with Glory and I felt freedom, joy and health like never before! Praise Jesus!

Mrs. China Roy Medhi

During the last Prayer Meeting in the month of May, Pastor had release word about covid cases coming down. I got to witness this first-hand in our hospital, where there was a drastic decline of covid cases coming to the ER from the 1st June itself till date. People who were admitted in isolation were healed and discharged from the hospital. It was miraculous and to see people healed and families restored. I can’t help but say, Praise the Lord!

Iris Lyngdoh

Our State was in total lockdown the past month and we were unable to conduct our business. As the new month came, I decided to give my tithes and Thanksgiving as I didn't want to let a month go without sowing anything into the Kingdom. I didn't expect anything spectacular out of it. However, God took care of my needs as a few days later I started getting orders from unexpected places. Praise Jesus, my cup is overflowing!


During our Prayer Meeting last week, Pastor released word for financial breakthrough. I lift my hand and claimed it for myself and that evening itself one of my friend blessed me financially after the Prayer Meeting. On Friday morning another miracle took place I got a phone call from a person who want me to take tuition for their kids. Praise Jesus I truly saw the Lord opening up opportunities for His kids and His blessings are overflowing every day. Thank you Pastor for your prayers and God bless you.


My cousin had tested positive for covid-19 few weeks back. I had asked for prayer support from fellow prayer warriors and even gave his name during our Prayer Meeting. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness because my cousin is healed and is able to resume work again. Thank you everyone and God bless you.


I invited a friend to our Prayer Meeting. When he attended he requested prayer for his uncle's family as they had all tested covid positive. I followed up about their condition and he told me that the entire family had tested negative and is recovering well. Praise the Lord!


I requested healing prayer at the Prayer Meeting last week for my mom who was suffering from diabetes and hypertension. When I checked her blood pressure, it registered normal. I give all Glory to God and I believe she will be healed completely soon. Thank you team.

Rumi Nath

On the 9th of April this year as I was attending the Prayer Meeting, I was delivered from addiction to nicotine. As Pastor was praying for everyone, God spoke through him that a certain person in the Prayer Meeting is receiving deliverance from addiction to chewing and smoking tobacco. Since I was a heavy smoker, I understood that God was talking about me, and at that very moment Pastor asked such a person to raise their hands and receive deliverance. By faith I did and that very second, there was an electric shock like sensation running from my hands to my whole body after which something weird happened in my mouth: it started to excrete water as though it was cleansing itself. Right after that the urge to chew or to smoke tobacco disappeared. I was delivered from my addiction to nicotine. I had prayed and asked God for His strength to overcome the temptations and I thank Him because from that evening itself I have not smoked or chewed tobacco and now I am repelled even by the smell of cigarette smoke. I am nicotine free for the past 3 months now. Praise the Lord!


A few weeks back one of our Deacons blessed me with a love gift, part of which I sowed into the Ministry as thanksgiving to the Lord. But after a few days, I received a message from the Bank that my account has been credited with Rs.12,000 which was 10 times the amount that I sowed. Praise GOD! Thank you JESUS for the fertile ground in our Ministry!

Macduff Shangrit

I was struggling to find a suitable job but to no avail and I almost lost all hope. However, after Pastor prayed over me, I suddenly received a call from the company I desire to work for, and within a short period, I got the job! Thank You Jesus and thank you KCC family for your prayer support!

Chayanika Bandopadhyay

Due to my health issues, I had to undergo a few tests. I requested prayer during our Prayer Meeting over tests. Exactly as Pastor had released over me, there were no complication in the reports. Praise the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness.


The Company here in the US that interviewed me is planning to hire me from next Monday! This is supernatural because I never applied for this job but I was contacted by a stranger. The first interview over the phone was on June 29th and the name of the company says it all: Planworx. His plans are working! Thank You Jesus and thank you KCC family for your prayer support.

Dcn. Eric Gogoi

Kong Pamela Lyndem- Since Friday, I have been down with the flu, severe head-to-toe body ache, throbbing headache and extremely high fever. I had switched medication twice but had no respite. However, by faith after one of the Ministers prayed for me on Sunday night, in anticipation of receiving His Healing, I crawled out of bed on Monday to attend the Campers Conference. After being prayed and ministered by Pastor Wati, I felt strength coming back to me and the fever subsiding and leaving my body. I praise Jesus that as I returned and reached home, I was able to resume work in the kitchen and cook dinner for my family. All Glory and Honour be to the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit!

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